Friday, February 24, 2012


Okay so Semester 2 of medical school is looming. Yes, two weeks of holidays does not make up for the crap that i had to face in the first semester. Don't get me wrong, I love medicine. I do not regret choosing medicine. Not one bit. Okay, maybe a bit. Not that much. However, i'd be lying if I say that i didn't have doubts. Doubts on my ability to make it thru. To become a doctor. I still do have those doubts. I think they will forever be there, at the back of my mind, lurking somewhere, popping at odd moments.

The last 2 weeks prior to the exams were pure hell. An uphill battle. I don't think i have ever drank that much coffee in my life. 2 cans a day for two weeks. A word of advice to future medical students, "THOU SHALL NOT DO LAST MINUTE STUDYING". It does not work here. No sir, consistent studying is the way to go.

So, two weeks of vacation. I kept having nightmares about my result. One dream actually ended up with the Dean telling me to pack up my stuff and leave the faculty. Hahahaha...Gosh, the dreams were horrible. I kept telling myself, "You should have studied laaaah!!!!" Haish, my one gift is the ability to procrastinate studying. Never do that okay guys. Won't do you any good.

Anyway, the dreaded day finally arrived. Actually, it was this morning. So there i was, a nervous wreck,praying to God that I don't fail. When the pictures of the results were posted,( Apparently the faculty thinks that posting the results at the pantry is soo much easier. Heh)my hand was trembling, i couldn't control the mouse properly. Then....a miracle happened. Right there ....student id number 2011XXXXX8....A. I was like "WHAT THE FUCK! You've got to be shitting me!!!!" Closed my eyes. Opened them. Closed them back. Opened them. Put on my glasses. Yes it's true! I got an A

I think my eye twitched after that. Hahaha..Allah the Merciful and All Knowing decided to give me an A. I was shocked. I still am in shock. But you know what they say "Bersyukurlah kepada Allah". And I did just that. I still think that i don't deserve the A but who am I to go against God's will?

................. I HONESTLY DON'T KNOW WHAT ELSE TO SAY.I'll just stop typing now. Still trying to make sense of today. To all my friends who did well for their exams,Congratulations! For those who didn't do well, we've got 5 years to go. Never give up.


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