Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Hey, its been a while since my last post. The truth is that i just don't have time to think of anything to write about. CAL just takes the life out of you. On weekends, you only have time to catch up on your sleep. A goodnight sleep is something that is really rare. On average, I sleep for about 5 to 6 hours. Coffee is the only thing that keeps me going. That and the fact that my mum paid RM 12,000 for the fees. HAHAHAHHAHA...Money really puts things in perspective doesn't it?

Anyway, i have been offered a place in UiTM to do foundation in science. UiTM was not my first choice, nor was it my second. It was my third. It was quite a shocker for me to get UiTM to be honest. Of course, i spent the whole day moping around the house, contemplating on my awful string of bad lucks. First the SPM result, then the JPA rejection and now this. Not to mention that my best friend achieved everything that i didn't. Then it dawned on me( about time too), that these are all lessons and experiences that not only made me humble but also stronger in a way. I know what it is like to be rejected(believe me, that is something that i will never forget. What can break you makes you stronger as they say. 'Sticks and stones can't break our bones' really makes sense now.

Being in Uni is going to be a new experience for me. Well, for one i'm going to stay in a dorm. Call me spoilt, but i have never been in a dorm before. I don't know what it looks like. The list of complaints is never ending; there's no air-cond, we have to share the tv and the toilets, we can't drive....Being a person who is adventerous and keen on challenges, i can only say one thing..BRING IT ON!

As i am typing this while my classmates of PM13 are studying Mathematics( hush...i'm playing hooky) i can't help but think about the memories that i had in Taylors(be it bad or good) and the friends i've made. To them i say thank you for bearing with me all this while and making the college experience worthwhile. To the dedicated lecturers, a big THANK YOU to you for teaching me without losing your temper. Yeah, i can be a bit slow but i have learned so much from you. Thank you so much. I will be lying if i tell you that I don't want to leave Taylor's( i really do want to leave.hehehe) but i wouldn't trade my experiences i had in at Taylor's or the numerous string of um...bad lucks for anything else in the world.

1 comment:

nadiahjamaludin said...

awww, you're still as cool as I am no matter what, heheheh.