Tuesday, December 18, 2007

PMR Results:15 year olds version of The End Of Days.

You know that in the Quran,Bible and the Torah tells us about The End Of Days right?The Armageddon,the day the world goes KABOOM!.We all know that it's gonna happen.But there's one Armageddon that's looming....PMR results! The day that every 15 year old Malaysian dread!The day that will determine whether we make it or not. Science stream or art stream.And on that one dreadful day,you will receive a piece of paper.....a paper that will determine your future and have the power to destroy your dream...The result slip!

Now i know i'm over reacting but that is the awful truth! After 2 1/2 years preparing for this battle and almost 3 months of waiting,it's just around the corner. Everyday i keep thinking and asking myself will i get 8 A's and make my family proud or will i just fail miserably, and every single day i try to not think about the latter outcome. I think PMR is just a sick,twisted game by the government to rewrite the meaning and joy of being a teenager! I think that all students will agree with me on this!So i have one thing to all of you who are waiting anxiously for your PMR results......Be Brave and Pray as much as you can!


Anonymous said...

Just accept the fact that u cant do anything now. Just sit and accept fate

nadiahjamaludin said...

On the contrary, I'm quite excited about my results. Heheh.